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James Deveney (aka Mr D)

Job Role:

Company Director


North West England

James started the company in 2018. Having been a primary school teacher for 3 years prior to that, he wanted to create a service that helped schools in the delivery of a subject he loved. He now works a lot more behind the scenes in the company but has enjoyed the last 6 years of delivering sessions in schools.

One reason why you love working for Classroom Kitchen?

When I’m in the classroom delivering a session, there is no greater moment than seeing a class taste testing a new recipe with ingredients they may not be familiar with. I love the complete mix of approaches and reactions. From the pupils that jump straight in, to those that take a little encouragement, there’s no better result than seeing them enjoy what they’ve made. Even better if they thought they wouldn’t like it originally!

Being a bit more behind the scenes in the last year, I’d have to say my favourite reason is working with my brilliant team and seeing them heading into schools having successful and fun sessions with the classes!

What is your favourite Classroom Kitchen Recipe?

It’s a very hard choice! Not for taste, but the fun that goes into making it… I actually love making our Summer Slaw! The kids get to chop, peel, grate, mix, squeeze lemons… It’s an all round fun session. A close second would be Fish Cakes!

What is your favourite cuisine?

I’m definitely a lover of all cuisines but I absolutely love Asian Food! The spices and flavours constantly change between dishes and I love the variety they bring. In terms of making dishes too, there’s some simple dishes but also some really complex ones that make cooking them a fun challenge to complete.

What has been your favourite travel destination?

Having travelled to a lot of countries (30+), this is almost an impossible question! Every country has so many different and exciting features.

I would say that I particularly loved Iceland for being an extreme difference to most the rest. When we travelled there it was during an incredible week of snow storms but we were very lucky to still see geysers, giant waterfalls and even the northern lights!

Do you have a favourite football team?

It has to be the mighty Wanderers (Bolton) being my local team. Although I don’t go watching them regularly, I keep up to date and my season ticket holding mates keep me informed.

However, I am massive Rugby League fan so the team I follow and watch each week are the Wigan Warriors!

When driving to school – what is on the radio?

If it’s not a Spotify podcast, it’s definite Absolute Radio’s breakfast show!

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

We love to get out and about so if it’s not travelling to see a new place or climbing up a mountain, we’re usually relaxing in a restaurant or café on the weekends. Weekdays you’ll find me binge watching a series, watching a Marvel film or the rugby!

Quickfire Round…

Marmite – love it or hate it?

Never tried it! However, I’ve tried Vegemite and that’s not bad!

Brown Sauce or Tomato Sauce?

Tommy Sauce!

Sweet or Savoury?

Both! I can’t decide!

List three words to describe yourself?

Creative, Friendly and Ambitious

Take a look through our other posts to meet the rest of the team!